Saturday, April 30, 2011

free counters

THEY CAN’T WIN Apr 30th, 2011

Those who don’t vote, think that nothing can change and they may be right,
Without plebiscites or propositions trying to be polite,
No binding referendums or proportional representation,
So why bother to be involved or vote or make a donation?

They are not allowed to vote for their prime minister by name,
Can’t have political recall and no matter what, so they can’t blame,
There are no set-date elections so no one knows the date for sure,
And the name on the ballot they can vote for, is extremely obscure.

Can’t vote for an appointed senator or Supreme Court judge,
Can’t even have these thoughts because nothing is allowed to budge,
Can’t have death with dignity because that would be a sin,
So why bother to vote because Canadians may not win?

Apr 30th, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011


No plebiscites, propositions or proportional representation,
So less than half Canadians vote in political frustration,
Canada needs a new constitution and we need one soon,
Because we don’t elect our prime ministers in our commune.

Different provincial premier should be prime minister each year,
Compulsory voting should be as simple as it appears,
Set-date federal and provincial elections every four years,
Binding referendums and political recall when need appears.

We need an elected Senate and elected Supreme Court,
Too many privileged appointees are too difficult to assort,
We need death with dignity but no open abortion clinics,
Guaranteed you wont read this from entrenched media cynics.

Apr 29th, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

NO NEED TO VOTE Apr 28th, 2911


We are satisfied because there’s no need to vote or be involved,
Our politicians will go to Ottawa where it’s all solved,
No need to change or have recall because everything is right,
Though elected Senate and set-date elections would be a delight.

Party politicians don’t need to think as they follow along,
They say binding referendums and death with dignity are wrong,
Compulsory voting for Canadians will not be discussed,
Capital punishment is only mentioned in utter disgust.

What you need on your street is two or three abortion clinics,
Next to the supervised injection site but I’m being a cynic,
The dog is barking and many of us have already left town,
The remainders of us are caught in traffic looking around.

April 28th, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The holocaust of unborn babies is not the way to go,
Abortion clinics don’t tell us the numbers that we should know,
Ending a human life before a baby has a chance to be born,
Thanks to the appointed for life Supreme Court decision of scorn.

When they refused Sue Rodriguez’s sick dying request,
Looking like a group of Santa Clauses the way they were dressed,
Hidden somewhere very deep in government bureaucracy,
This very strange abortion loving appointed aristocracy.

The population will go down because of all the babies killed,
But the bureaucrats can adapt to new numbers because they are skilled,
But something is very wrong with all this killing going on,
Was this a referendum that Canadians voted upon?

April 27th, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Our politicians are getting worked up about this election,
Each party, left or right, has their own agenda selection,
But no binding referendums or death with dignity here,
You see these are forbidden, silent issues that each party fears.

When the time comes to die and it will for both you and me,
Sometime in our futures and it’s not all that difficult to foresee,
The clock is ticking and eventually we will, all be dead,
Our politicians don’t notice this and still think they’re ahead.

For some strange reason, death with dignity is totally banned,
The appointed Supreme Court refused Sue Rodriquez’s demand,
No wonder so many Canadians refuse to even vote,
Where the abortion clinics are busy with death that they promote.

Apr 26th, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011



Very strange activists want an injection-supervised site,
Shows that we as a community are not all that bright,
They call it a harm reduction site for want of a better name,
Where many drug-addicted criminals never get the blame.

The goody-two-shoe types claim that they are really saving lives,
They claim that many Vancouver criminal addicts survive,
The nearby drug dealers must feel proud to keep up their supply,
Where everyone is on a politically correct ride.

They publish articles as though this should be expected,
Because they are doing good and everyone is protected,
And what happens in Vancouver can happen in Toronto too,
This of course happens to be only their pompous point of view.

Apr 25th, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011



The subject of abortions is so sacred it cannot be discussed,
Though many Canadians view this High Court decision with disgust,
Though this holocaust is obviously wrong but where to complain?
There is no ombudsman for unborn babies so nothing to gain.

Another reason why Canadians seldom if ever vote,
The self-important Ottawa aristocrats behind their mote,
They don’t want to talk about this even at election time,
They are appointed for almost life so read another rhyme.

This should be the biggest subject in town but it is not,
Unknown number of unborn babies murdered today is a lot,
We need someone to show us the way out of this murdering mess,
But is there someone somewhere with a conscience but I digress.

Apr 24th, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011


We have frequent elections because we can’t get it right,
No set-date or mid-term elections in our constant plight,
No binding referendums allowed or judicial review,
Abortion clinics imposed by appointed Supreme Court crew.

No plebiscites, propositions or proportional representation,
So less than half Canadians vote in political frustration,
No compulsory voting by established Ottawa crowd,
And only their politically correct agenda allowed.

As every writer in this land writes at least a million pages,
About various party agendas and each one rages,
While the real important issues are completely forgotten,
To be avoided like the plague or some disease that’s rotten.

April 23rd, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

DEATH IGNORED Apr 22nd 2011

Death is the common denominator among us all,
It doesn’t matter how high or where we go, we will fall,
This is a deadly subject you seldom hear or read about,
But some day in your future, you will die, so have no doubt.

Some of us manage to delay death for a year or two,
It may be delayed but it can’t be avoided when it’s due,
I should apologize now for causing you to think about death,
But death-with-dignity could soften the punch, you bet.

They have it in Switzerland, Oregon and other places,
But our politicians wont touch this problem right in our faces,
In the middle of an election campaign and it’s not spoken,
Is this subject forbidden or is our communications broken.

Apr 22nd, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Close Down Parole Boards Apr 21st, 2011

We have a great political problem, into which we should delve,
How to shut down all our soft parole boards by twenty twelve,
The justice system has been bent by them to help criminal crooks,
Freed and paroled prisoners cause problems and this is much worse than it looks.

Every left-wing political lobbyist will jump up and down,
Screaming that this or that is not right and wearing a frown,
And many legal-aid lawyers will likely throw a fit,
Claiming that this proposal is outrageous and wont help a bit.

So we have to find a politician who will lead the way,
Someone not afraid to keep the left-wing criminals at bay,
We need someone to put us back where we were, on the right track,
Away from the politically correct so-call do-good pack.

Apr 21st,2011



The sad part of it all is; we’re here for a while and passing through,
Nothing changes and then we’re gone and we’re replaced by a new crew,
Our elected politicians seem reluctant to make a change,
They want to keep their positions and why should that be so strange?

So how do we compel our politicians to bring about change?
Such as binding referendums which they refuse to arrange,
Or death with dignity, which they won’t talk about or even touch,
They seem to think that these incoming strange ideas are too much.

Our appointed Supreme Court can change or make lots of new laws,
As they are dressed up in long red gowns just like Santa Clause,
Abortion clinics on almost every street in every town,
Secretly killing unborn babies in a holocaust of renown.

Apr 20th, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Some special-interest crowd wants to supervise free injection sites,
For addicts who bought illegal drugs in Toronto last night,
Just like the Vancouver site that the Feds are trying to close down,
While all the left-wing activists scream, holler, write and wear a frown.

Therefore these activists should get an injection site next-door,
Where they can watch the addicts buy illegal stuff and come and go,
As they also watch their neighborhood change almost over night,
Eventually they might notice that it is not a pretty sight.

Sometime, somewhere, somehow, we’ve lost all political control,
And we’re headed for a criminal infested injection hole,
And if some right politician doesn’t come forward and take charge,
We may be all going to hell in a basket by enlarge.

Apr 19th, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011


They say that no one wants to die but apparently some do,
Sue Rodriguez did but our appointed Supreme Court refused,
“Whose life is it anyway?” she asked and she wasn’t amused,
Media moguls, priests and bishops were not in the least bit confused.

Hope you never end up in a bad situation like that,
And expect our Supreme Court or politicians to go to bat,
Death with dignity should be discussed on every veranda,
Assisted suicide should should be on every political agenda.

Because there is no way out of it; we are all approaching death,
A subject most of us would like to avoid; you can bet,
And politicians seem to think that they will live forever,
Canadians can’t interfere with their lifestyle whatsoever.

Feb 20th, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011



We should be ashamed of a system where less than half the folk vote,
Something like what a Middle East despot dictator might promote,
The Australians are required to vote or they get fined,
Makes for a more democratic system if you don’t mind.

It seems to me that our politicians are reluctant to change,
We have a perfect democracy, they say, so why rearrange?
Then if only half the people bother to vote, then that’s good,
The parties – not the people have control; is that understood?

And why would our politicians be so reluctant to change?
Doesn’t seem normal to me, in fact it really seems quite strange,
Where less than half the people control who gets elected,
Am I missing something here or am I just not connected.

Apr 17th, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Toronto is now the most multicultural city on earth,
Many of the inhabitants were not here at their birth,
But they seem to like it here and most of them intend to stay,
Though they could if they got the notion, just move away.

But Toronto did not become multicultural overnight,
It took about forty or fifty years to get it right,
And Toronto has jobs and a reasonable economy,
With many normal people who seem to like their autonomy.

Other unmentioned factors also assisted in the change,
Never mentioned in the media and isn’t that strange?
Combination of the birth control pill and abortion clinics,
The only people who mention this are certain poets and cynics.

Apr 16th, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011


Appointed Senate, High Courts and Parole Boards should be elected,
It is from them that we the people should be protected,
Their decisions are law and often, obviously no good,
They might have agendas that could help the occasional hood.

The changes we need don’t come easy and might cause a fuss,
This is backroom stuff and we don’t know what they discuss,
Of course these aristocrat appointees oppose all change,
Big powerful jobs, big pay that no known person can rearrange.

As we wait eternally for one politician with guts,
To change a soft society that seems to be going nuts,
Unfortunately too, Canadians are very reluctant to vote,
And our isolated politicians are happy and remote.

Apr 15th, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011


What can we do about soft Parole Boards, please tell me now,
How do we shut them all down; please tell me or write me how,
Who are these political appointees with no known names?
Who said we needed them or are they all playing some games?

No capital punishment ‘cause it’s not politically correct,
And these soft Parole Boards have an even worse effect,
And convicts can get free by appealing to these Parole Boards,
As if they had done something good and needed an award.

Do we have to obey these appointed aristocrats?
Could our system of government be called democrat?
Has anyone ever complained about killers being set free?
Are our politicians and trustees forever absentees?

Apr 14th, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011



Why are church organizations not more involved in abortions?
The once powerful Christian churches caught in High Court distortions,
Why do High Court and Parole Board appointees make their own laws?
Allowing killing clinics and releasing killers just because.

Why do terminally ill patients have to suffer to the end?
Why are we not allowed to have death-with-dignity, my friend?
Why are binding referendums forbidden by our politicians?
Why do we accept without question these ongoing conditions?

Why do Ottawa aristocrats make all our decisions?
Is this nailed down or could we make some Charter revisions?
Why their propaganda of no set-date or mid term elections?
Appointees to Senate, High Court and Parole Board with connections.

Apr 13th, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

YOU DON’T HAVE TO VOTE Apr 12th, 2011

Canadians will get what we deserve because only a few vote,
Politicians inclined to view us as a herd of goats,
As they hide like aristocrats in Ottawa and tax and spend,
Or travel the world with a planeload of family and their friends.

Did someone say that our system of government can’t be changed?
Binding referendums or death-with-dignity never arranged,
Where’s the leadership to get us out of the present mess?
Surely someone has some guts somewhere in all our distress.

I’d like to live as long as possible and then plan my death,
No politician has come up with a better plan than that yet,
They each have their own party agenda and they think it’s great,
Nothing outside of their party agenda is up for debate.

April 12th, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011


We’re having an election but we don’t know what it’s about,
But you can ask a politician if you have any doubts,
But remember they are party people committed to their cause,
Their only ambition is to get a vote and applause.

But what we need are politicians who will listen to us,
Because we are constituents who should and could cause a fuss,
About death with dignity and binding referendums,
We need to be treated as equals – not a bunch of bums.

There’s a certain grand but terrible equality in death,
Because loud politicians will eventually die too, you can bet,
But they still overlook death-with-dignity for some reason,
From inside their political party, this idea is treason?

Apr 11th, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011


If we can accept an abortion clinic on every street,
Imposed by our appointed Supreme Court as hard as concrete,
Politically correct holocaust of unborn babies now,
Never mentioned in Parliament and was just not allowed,

Where death with dignity, unlike abortions, is an offence,
And appointed aristocrats will show their lack of elegance,
Where binding referendums are both illegal and banned,
And those who are politically correct think this is grand.

And our coming election is not about to change one thing,
It’s about the upper echelon as they pull their agenda string,
No wonder that less than half Canadians even bother to vote,
What’s the use, if what they want to change, they can’t promote.

Apr 10th, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

NO NEED TO VOTE Apr 8th, 2011


Canadians should have compulsory voting or be fined,
Otherwise they may as well be retarded, deaf, dumb and blind,
Because our politicians avoid issues that should be up front,
Binding referendums and death-with-dignity to be blunt.

It’s law in the state of Oregon, Washington and Switzerland,
But for some reason; here in Canada it is strictly banned,
Doctor assisted suicide banned by appointed Supreme Court,
And they are not elected so they need no one’s support.

And we are having an election about no issues that count,
Though politicians are all excited to no small amount,
They seem to think that they will never come face to face with death,
As they run here and there and they are almost out of breath.

Apr 8th, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011


There are no binding referendums or Supreme Court reviews,
Those appointed to these high judicial positions would just refuse,
Their word is law so we have lots of abortion clinics,
Where people kill unborn babies and there are no cynics.

But something is wrong unless you are blind, deaf and very dumb,
And you march to the beat of a politically correct drum,
As they drop dead fetus babies into a large garbage bag,
And you are not allowed to ask questions or especially nag.

This holocaust of unborn babies, never mentioned in the press,
Ladies can stay in fancy fashion and never show no stress,
Forbidden to elect a senator and especially a judge,
No proportional representation and can’t carry a grudge.

Apr 7th, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A million words and they still don’t write about real election change,
No binding referendums or death-with-dignity, arranged,
As they pump out party propaganda about this and that,
And everything else that really counts is swept under the mat.

Canadian election politics is a pain in the head,
How do they always avoid what really should be said?
About death with dignity and binding referendum stuff,
Because the nonsense they write is considered more than enough.

Why are our important issues almost always forgotten?
Avoided like the plague or other disease that might be rotten,
Do they have a plan so that we the people never get control?
Therefore no compulsory voting and we’re kept on parole.

Apr 6th, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

free counters

NO NEED TO CHANGE Apr 5th, 2011

They seem to think that nothing can change the Ottawa atmosphere,
But we only need binding referendums to interfere,
Elections only change the names in our democracy,
This is good enough for those in the present aristocracy.

We need a death-with-dignity program and we need it soon,
By today or tomorrow or at least by the next full moon,
But they’re busy making appointments to the Senate or High Court,
Can’t pull out of Afghanistan and they refuse to abort.

Canadians unlike Australians, are not required to vote,
No proportional representation in first-past-the-post,
Having a discussion about a discussion any time or place,
There’s no need to change, they say, or even have a test case.

Apr 5th, 2011