Monday, November 21, 2011


THE SECRET LIST Nov 20th, 2011

Supreme Court judges appointed from an extremely secret list,
Who makes this list, who writes the names, who get’s kissed and who gets pissed?
Who gets the big bucks and who gets to wear the red Santa Clause clothes?
Are they so high up, that no one can even think that we could oppose?

The whole affair is so sacred; it must be secretly discussed,
In hidden places far away behind closed doors with those they trust,
Is it like some religious affair with their fancy red gowns?
Do they have chanting music and some other strange holy sounds?

Why do they appear like members of some secretive hidden cult?
Wearing those funny Santa Clause suits like some strange occult
Or is this a silent scream that we should elect our High Court?
Is there a political party that might give this some support?

Nov 20th, 2011

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