Thursday, October 27, 2011


free counters

Rule by appointed aristocrats Oct 27th, 2011

We the people know what needs to be done but do we have the guts?
We have politicians who like to delay with their “ifs” “ands” and “buts”,
Despite the fact that the government seems to have lost control,
And we could eventually go down a judicial black hole.

We have a majority government but does that mean we can change?
Our Supreme Court seems to rule this land and why is that so strange?
Because they have sided with the Insite drug-addict clinic,
Are they being politically correct or am I being a cynic?

It’s obvious we need to do something about our constitution,
Or we may be captured by these strange events and evolution,
This is one event that may come back to haunt us sooner or later,
Rule by appointed aristocrats and not by political debater.

The Insite clinic in Vancouver is famous for what it does,
Free needles for drug addicts to inject their illegal drugs,
The Supreme Court of Canada is famous for what it did,
The government tried to close it down which the High Court forbid.

Oct 27th, 2011

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