Tuesday, May 19, 2015

ARE WE IN A DILEMMA? ,,,, MAY 19TH, 2015

Commons political fight.jpg

ARE WE IN A DILEMMA?       MAY 19TH, 2015

Death with dignity is seldom if ever mentioned in the papers,
Media moguls have decided to wait and leave it till later,
Why is it possible that such an important subject is a mystery?
Is there a connection between this and Canadian history?

Should we or could we, ask our politicians to explain this affair?
Is there some secret hidden reason that we should beware?
Five US States already have death-with-dignity now,
But for some hidden secret reason, our politicians won't allow.

The Supreme Court gave them a year to change the laws,
They haven't done it yet; maybe they have some secret cause,
Not a word spoken or published to help us out in this,
Some people who want to die have gone to see the Swiss.

MAY 19TH, 2015

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